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Bem-vindos! | Welcome! | ¡Bienvenido!

Natanael Gomes de Oliveira Isídio
Hey! How are you doing?
I'm Natanael de Isídio, or just Natan. I'm an astronomer and master in Astrophysics from the Valongo Observatory, in Brazil, and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), in the USA.
I am an IMPRS PhD student at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Garching bei München, Germany.
My scientific interests lie in Extragalactic Astrophysics and Observational Cosmology. You can also explore my areas of expertise on the ESO website by clicking here!
In my spare time I like playing volleyball, hiking, swimming, watching TV shows and movies and a lot of stuff. I really appreciate simple things!
Please, feel free to drop me an email!

European Southern Observatory
© 2024 by Natanael Gomes de Oliveira Isídio
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