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Extension projects

The impact of the Valongo Observatory on Morro da Conceição


Description: The present work was developed from a survey with the residents of the surroundings of the Valongo Observatory, a scientific institute linked to the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. The objective was to study the relationship between the campus and the residents of Morro da Conceição (where the observatory is located), since it is open to visitors on a weekly basis. We designed a questionnaire to measure knowledge about the institute and the frequency of visits based on factors such as age, education level and astronomy knowledge. Our results indicate that the oldest residents associate Valongo with Astronomy, many of them thanks to the intense campaign of visitation and observation of the sky during the passage of Comet Halley in 1986. On the other hand, we believe that the period in which the Observatory had its doors closed to visitors (due to the lack of infrastructure and staff dedicated to extension activities) contributed to the ignorance of the local population about the activities developed here or even the existence of the department. The final objective of the project is to identify and work on the weaknesses perceived throughout the research in order to develop strategies that can increasingly attract the public and further publicize the Valongo Observatory for the population of Morro da Conceição.


Natanael Oliveira - Project creator and member

Paola Cunha - Member

Caroline Gonçalves - Member

Thiago Signorini Gonçalves - Supervisor

Phase: Concluded


Caroline Gonçalves, Natanael Oliveira e Paola Cunha (2019)

Teaching projects

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Expanding the School Universe: relativity and cosmology in elementary school

Description: Although already foreseen by the National Curriculum Parameters (PCN) of High School and by the Minimum Curriculum of the State Department of Education of Rio de Janeiro, the teaching of topics in modern physics, such as general and restricted relativities and cosmology, is still quite scarce and unsatisfactory in Brazilian schools. It is common for these topics to be treated as less priority subjects and, therefore, to be taught in a flawed and superficial way, when they are. However, we believe that topics in modern physics are fundamental to arouse students' interest in scientific careers and to include them in the select group of holders of current scientific knowledge, making them more aware and active citizens in society. We propose a project aimed at elementary school science and mathematics teachers, consisting of 11 meetings offered annually of approximately 3 hours each consisting of lectures given by a teacher, followed by activities conducted by undergraduate students, who will act as proponents, idealizers and monitors of the offered dynamics. The topics of the lectures will address the dimensions, composition and evolution of the Universe, relativity, black holes, gravitational waves and astrobiology. The activities developed at each meeting will be related to the theme of the lecture, and aim to improve the understanding of the exposed knowledge and offer means for it to be transmitted to basic education students.


Natanael Oliveira - Member

Paola Cunha - Member

Ribamar Reis - Supervisor

Other members.

Phase: Concluded

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Oliveira, N. & Menéndez-Delmestre, K. (2021)

Introduction to Modern Astronomy

Description: To teach classes related to Astronomy in general. Throughout 2019, classes, lectures, dynamics, experiments and projects such as Observation of the Sky will be given. Visitor. The areas that will be covered throughout the year are: Extragalactic Astrophysics, Stellar Astrophysics, Astrochemistry, Astrobiology, Einsteinian Relativity and Cosmology, as well as classes related to the history of Astronomy in a global context.


Natanael Oliveira - Project creator and member

Paola Cunha - Member

Caroline Gonçalves - Member

Jefferson Roosevelt - Supervisor

Phase: Concluded

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